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Museum design
Interactive Exhibits
Oral sources: compilation and archiving
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Wesen - installations
Installazioni 2007
Installazioni 2006
Installations 2005
Installations 2004
Installations 2003
Installations 2002
Wesen - projects
Wesen - etnographic research
Wesen - equal opportunities
Wesen - installations
The students' works realized in the framework of the project have been collected and have become an exhibit. The exhibit's structure is light and flexible and can be set up in different places. The exhibit also includes 2 videomonitor that screen a collection of tv and print social campaigns.
Exhibit title
Exhibit title
Inside exhibit
Inside exhibit

STEREOTIPI SU MISURA : donne, uomini e parità
The exhibition, a multi-sensorial journey to the discovery of the genre stereotypes, has travelled within the region and has reached three provinces. The exhibit has been set up in:

- Novara (March 2007)
- Asti (April 2007)
- Cuneo (May 2007)

The programme was carried out thanks to the contribution of the Piedmont Region (Equal Opportunities Council and Culture Council), the Regional Council for Equality, Provincial Council for Equality, the Novara Province, the Asti Province and the Cuneo Province.

For further information, please call: 0121/81338

3 stages
3 stage
Asti - card
Asti - card
Asti - poster
Asti - poster
Cuneo - card
Cuneo - card
Cuneo - poster
Cuneo - poster