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Museum design
Interactive Exhibits
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Wesen - equal opportunities
3d image previousnext
The target of this installation is to let the visitor approach the new potential of computerised technology for the construction and rendering of three-dimensional images related to the CAT.
3D image - photo 1 3D image - photo 2 3D image - photo 3
3D image - photo 4
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The visitor stands behind a cloth; an audio will ask him/her, to touch various parts of his/her body related to some organs, e.g. the heart, kidneys, etc.  The visitor can test if he/she remembers the correct position of the organs in his/her body. If the answer is correct, the related organ will be displayed on the sensitive cloth, and reflected on an opposite mirror.
The activity entails the individuation of 6 organs; on this basis the system will complete the body with all other parts, including the skeleton and the skin. Half way through the activity, a camera will display a still of the participant. After completing the activity, it will be possible for the visitor to pick up his/her own skeleton photograph.