
Etnographic research – Pubblications 1998-2003

Attraverso Lo spazio contadino (Through farmers’ realm) Historic-ethnographic essay of the Pinerolo region. Marta Colangelo, Valter Careglio Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To), 2003 Al tempo del grano (At the time of wheat) Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To), 2002 Lo spazio contadino (Farmers’ realms) Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To),1998 Memorie diverse in una città di frontiera (Various memories from […]

Break Gender Stereotypes, progetti di pari opportunità

Break Gender Stereotypes

The Wesen Institute is partner of the ITC/ILO in Turin (International Labour Organization) for the project “Break Gender Stereotypes, give talent a chance” (EU 2008) where it is responsible for the communication strategy planning and development.

progetti di pari opportunità

Let’s cut out stereotypes’ threads

Within the project “How to communicate gender equality” (City Council of Turin, Assessorato Pari Opportunity 2007) the Wesen Institute has realized a training kit for teachers and an exhibition dedicated to student’s works on equal opportunites.

Calendar of events by the Equality council network for the Piedmont Region

Targeting a wide range of women and men, the calendar presents a supporting help and/or assessment perspective for those still unaware of the council’s work and commitment. A “distinguished” calendar, original and elegant about Equal Opportunities to inform, and more. Using studio photography, the calendar offers a woman’s image different from what usually suggested by […]

Social analysis and pubblications

Conducive environment on gender equality at ITC/ILO, Politics and strategies for time reconciliation. Examples of good practices in France, Germany and Sweden, Keeping the pace. Women’s lives and experiences within the Equal Opportunities

Etnographic research – Documentaries

Memorie diverse. Storie di frontiera. Italiani e sloveni a Trieste (Various memories. Frontier stories. Italians and Slovenians in Trieste) II Inter-regional Italia Slovenia VHS Memorie diverse Betacam 27 min color Torino Casablanca. Casablanca Torino. Cioè l’avventura. Video lettera. (Turin-Casablanca. Casablanca-Turin, this IS adventure! A video-letter) Documentario sui festeggiamenti del Ramadan a Torino e a Casablanca. […]

A farmer’s realm.

Memories of men and women living in the Piedmont valley before WWII In cooperation with the Piedmont Region, CRT Foundation, the Turin Province.

Interview to Paolo Sema

from the VHS “Memorie diverse” (Various Memories)