Tag: Health


The target of this installation is to illustrate which parts of the human body are routinely inspected by every technique, for example ultrasound scan checks the liver, the thorax is checked using radiology and the brain using magnetic resonance. The installation consists of a large statue, approximately 6 metres tall, in a sleeping position. In […]

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3D Image

The target of this installation is to let the visitor approach the new potential of computerised technology for the construction and rendering of three-dimensional images related to the CAT. The visitor stands behind a cloth; an audio will ask him/her, to touch various parts of his/her body related to some organs, e.g. the heart, kidneys, […]

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The target of this installation is to compare different techniques of diagnostic imaging. The human body, ideally divided into three viewing sectors : head, bust and lower limbs, is represented by three mannequins in upright position. For example: the bust mannequin is a parallelepiped whose three sides depict the radiography of a bust as achieved […]

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The book of principles

What are the basic working principles of diagnostic systems? The visitor turns the pages of a book and thus plays short video files (animated) that appear on the book pages, thus completing the scientific text. *you need Adobe Flash Player for visualizing the animated clips correctly

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History Wheel

The major development stages of every radiology techniques. The setting replicates a TAC equipment with a wheel in the middle. The visitor turns the wheel according to which image is lit up, and can listen to a commentary; in the middle is an interview on radiology future developments.   Interview to prof. Gandini

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Drinking man

Videoflurorgraphic studio about deglutition. A video installation about radiology inside the pavillon “L’immagine misteriosa – la radiologia”.   Per consultare questo contenuto accetta la cookie policy cliccando sul banner in basso e ricarica la pagina. To view this content accept the cookie policy by clicking on the banner below and reload the page.

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Measure your body

Here the visitor can discover some of his body performances and compare them with the average performance of a healthy body, as well as with a sportsperson’s body, in order to understand if the introduction of a sport may possibly improve his/her own condition. The second section – thanks to the broadcasting by various PCs […]

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